❖ You will be recognized for a year on our website as our Gold Sponsor ❖ Your company logo will be listed as a premier event sponsor at the event and in our newsletter ❖ You will be recognized on our home page as a sponsor ❖ Your company will have a link on our website ❖ Your logo and link will be displayed on our social media post ❖ Your company will be recognized during our live event ❖ Free tickets to the event for employees (contact our office)
❖ You will be recognized for a year on our website as an Silver Sponsor ❖ You will be recognized on our home page as a sponsor ❖ Your logo and link will be displayed on several of our social media posts and in our newsletter ❖ Your company will be recognized during our live event to all attendees ❖ 10 of your employees will have free admission to the event
❖ You will be recognized on our website as an Bronze Sponsor ❖ You will be recognized on our home page as a sponsor ❖ Your logo and link will be displayed on our social media posts ❖ Your company will be recognized during our live event ❖ 5 of your employees will have free admission to the event
❖ You will be listed on our website as an Copper Sponsor ❖ You will be recognized on our home page as a sponsor ❖ Your logo and link will be displayed on our social media posts ❖ 2 of your employees will have free admission to the event
Friends of Platinum Minds – All donations accepted and appreciated Donation
Further your involvement with Platinum Minds
Please contact me to discuss other ways your company may collaborate with Platinum Minds in the future. You can send a note for further discussion to Marilyn Carnicelli emcarnicelli@aol.com
We sincerely appreciate your support. Join us for delicious food, live entertainment and a great evening out!